Company score is powered by a proprietary algorithm developed by Populous XBRL Platform (PXP) that gauges the wellbeing of a com
22 Jan 2020, 15:40
Company score is powered by a proprietary algorithm developed by Populous XBRL Platform (PXP) that gauges the wellbeing of a company.
To get started with PXP, sign up here:
#pxp #xbrl #bigdata #businessintelligence #DataAnalytics
Same news in other sources
122 Jan 2020, 15:40
RT @PopulousXBRL: PXP will reshape the way you interpret data.
Our platform is ready for you to use and implement the value of BI:
RT @PopulousXBRL: PXP will reshape the way you interpret data.
RT @PopulousXBRL: PXP will reshape the way you interpret data.
Our platform is ready for you to use and implement the value of BI: